The RIA RAMP Index ranks South Africa as one of the most costly countries on the continent to buy data, hence any issues concerning the country's data service industry are of national relevance.

Much grandstanding and politicking on the matter between ICASA and broadband satellite internet company StarLink have occurred without a true and balanced explanation of the procedural and regulatory requirements to obtain an ISP license to operate as an internet service provider in South Africa.

In this episode of iAfrikan Bytes, we are joined by Lucien Pierce from ICT firm PPM attorneys, to understand what compliance considerations are required by the Regulator, to be granted an ISP license.

‎iAfrikan BYTES: Grandstanding On STARLINK, Debunked on Apple Podcasts
‎Show iAfrikan BYTES, Ep Grandstanding On STARLINK, Debunked - 9 May 2023
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