A few days after George Floyd was killed by a policeman in the USA, protests erupted. Under the banner of the Black Lives Matter movement, the protests calling for justice for George Floyd and anyone else killed by police in America, soon spread globally.
At the same time, a few days later after the fateful day that Floyd passed away, many companies and brands started publishing and broadcasting messages that they stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter. Some, like several VCs, investors, and accelerators, took this a step further and made commitments to Black startups and founders.
When it comes to such statements and commitments, it is always important to check if the companies follow through.
In this episode of The Tefo Mohapi Show, Denishar Kuhlor, a relationship manager responsible for Early Stage Tech at New York's Grasshopper Bank, talks about holding investors and companies accountable for the commitments they make.
We also discuss music and technology and how the Internet has influenced not only the music business but also how music artists interact with their fans.