There's no denying it, the way we consume music is vastly different from how we used to listen to music (and watch music videos) about 10 years ago. This change can mainly be attributed to two main factors: smartphones and the internet.

Even in Afrika, which some from outside the continent might consider as backward, the way both young and old people buy, watch and listen to music today has largely been influenced by the proliferation of smartphones with internet access. Add to that, thanks to the internet too, with social media such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram you sort of have direct access to your favorite artist. You can get direct replies from them and get all their latest gig info, free singles, videos, etc. instantaneously as they are made available. From a music fan and listeners' perspective this is great, but how have smartphones and the internet had an impact on music from a music artist's perspective?

📷 BLK JKS on the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine in August 2012 Source: Rolling Stone Magazine

Internet's impact on the music business

To answer this question I had a chat with Molefi Makananise, an acclaimed and experienced music artist who is a bass guitarist for the well-traveled South African rock band, BLK JKS (pronounced blackjack).

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